Brisket Split

Brisket Split

$14.50 /lb.
Avg. 5.16 lb.

Fun Fact: A fun fact about brisket is that it's a cut of meat with a storied history, especially in the world of barbecue. In Texas, brisket is considered the "King of BBQ," and it plays a central role in the state's barbecue culture. What's particularly interesting is that brisket was once considered a less desirable cut of beef due to its tough texture. However, the creativity and patience of pitmasters transformed it into a delicacy.

The Brisket Cut is a cut of beef that comes from the lower chest or breast area of the cow, just below the chuck. This cut consists of two main parts: the flat (or first cut) and the point (or second cut). The flat is the leaner part of the brisket, while the point has more fat and connective tissue. Brisket is known for its rich flavor and tough texture, which is due to the high amount of connective tissue in this muscle, as it supports much of the animal's weight.

Because of its toughness, brisket is best cooked by slow methods that allow the connective tissue to break down, such as smoking, braising, or slow-roasting. This slow cooking process transforms the brisket into a tender, flavorful dish. Brisket is a staple in many cuisines and is especially celebrated in barbecue, particularly Texas barbecue, where it's often smoked for several hours to achieve a tender texture and a smoky flavor. It's also commonly used for making corned beef and in traditional Jewish cuisine for dishes like braised brisket.

The popularity of brisket has grown significantly, making it a sought-after cut for its ability to absorb flavors and become incredibly tender and juicy when cooked properly.