Hartland Hill Farm
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At Hartland Hill Farm, our commitment is deeply rooted in sustainable farming practices. We believe in providing an environment for our chickens, pigs, and cows that mirrors their natural habits as closely as possible. By giving our animals free access to the outdoors, they can engage in their instinctual behaviors—wallowing in mud, grazing on rich, green pastures, and scratching around for bugs. It's a lifestyle that honors their innate needs and promotes their well-being.

There's growing evidence to support the idea that an animal's stress levels directly impact meat quality, affecting tenderness, shelf-life, and even its color. That's why our focus isn't just on the products we produce but on ensuring the daily comfort and happiness of our animals. At Hartland Hill Farm, we're not just farming; we're fostering a way of life that respects the earth and the creatures that inhabit it, ensuring that we can provide the highest quality meat with the utmost ethical standards.

Pastured Raised Chickens

Here at Hartland Hill Farm, we chart a course distinctly apart from the large-scale commercial chicken farms you might be familiar with. In stark contrast to these industrial operations, which may confine over 160,000 chickens in tight spaces devoid of daylight, our philosophy embraces a much smaller scale, rearing only a few hundred chickens at any given time. This deliberate choice ensures each bird enjoys ample fresh air, sunshine, and the natural diet it was meant to consume.

Our chickens thrive in their natural habitat, feasting on pasture grass, pecking at insects, and basking in the sunlight. This lifestyle is enhanced by daily provisions of fresh, cold water and premium NON-GMO grain, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet. By adhering to sustainable farming methods and relocating our chickens daily, we promote not only their health and happiness but also the vitality of our pastures. This practice of rotational grazing benefits not just the chickens but all our grazing animals, contributing to a balanced and thriving farm ecosystem.

The result of our approach? Chickens raised in a humane, stress-free environment, producing exceptionally flavorful meat. Here at Hartland Hill Farm, our commitment lies in raising chickens that are as good for you as they are for the earth, showcasing that ethical farming practices and extraordinary taste can indeed go hand in hand.

Berkshire Pigs

The Berkshire Pig, treasured for its lineage dating back to the 1600s in Berkshire County, UK, stands out among heritage breeds for its superior quality. This breed is celebrated for the juiciness, tenderness, and deep flavor of its pork, characterized by a distinctive marbling of fat, including a significant amount of monounsaturated fat - the healthier fat also found in avocados and olive oil.

At Hartland Hill Farm, our approach to raising Berkshire pigs is deeply rooted in respecting their natural instincts and the ecosystems they inhabit. By giving them the freedom to explore, forage, and engage in natural behaviors in our pastures and woodlands, we not only embrace our commitment to sustainable farming but also ensure our pigs enjoy a rich and fulfilling life. Their presence on the land serves an ecological purpose as well; their foraging habits help in aerating the soil and controlling underbrush, thereby enhancing soil health and promoting the regeneration of vegetation.

Our dedication to sustainable practices and the welfare of our Berkshire pigs translates into pork that is unparalleled in flavor and quality. Opting for Berkshire pork from Hartland Hill Farm means choosing a product that reflects a harmonious balance of animal welfare, environmental stewardship, and culinary excellence.

Full-Blood Wagyu Beef Herd

Originating from Japan's early agricultural society, the Wagyu breed, literally "Japanese cow," has evolved from draft animals used in rice farming to the producers of the world-renowned marbled beef. This evolution was spurred by selecting for physical endurance, which led to the unique intramuscular fat cells responsible for Wagyu's signature marbling. Over time, specific bloodlines like Tajima, Shimane, and Okayama developed, each adding distinctive traits to the Wagyu beef we celebrate today.

The breed's purity was safeguarded by Japan's isolation up until the late 19th century. Following the Meiji Restoration and Japan's opening to international commerce, the threat of crossbreeding loomed, but strict regulations and lineage tracking practices were established to preserve Wagyu's integrity, practices that continue to this day.

The 1970s marked the beginning of Wagyu's global journey, with the first exports to the United States introducing the breed to a worldwide audience. This wasn't merely an enhancement of beef quality; it signified a shift towards prioritizing flavor, texture, and health benefits in meat.

Japan's declaration of Wagyu as a national treasure in 1997, accompanied by an export ban, emphasized the breed's value and sparked a surge in international interest in breeding Wagyu outside Japan.

My journey to Hokkaido in 2019 to meet Shogo Takeda, a pioneer in Wagyu genetics, was an insightful exploration into the essence of Wagyu. His dedication to maintaining genetic purity and his innovative approach have been instrumental in the breed's global prominence. His teachings emphasized the critical role of careful selection, breeding, and respecting the cattle's natural behaviors in producing superior Wagyu beef.

At Hartland Hill Farm, our Full-Blood Wagyu herd embodies this profound legacy. Our adherence to sustainable and ethical farming practices reflects the age-old Japanese traditions of Wagyu rearing, adapted to our farm's lush pastures. Through our efforts, we strive to maintain a meaningful connection between our cattle, the environment, and the community we serve.

Selecting Wagyu beef from Hartland Hill Farm connects you to a rich tradition and a bright future. Each cut of our beef stands as a homage to the Wagyu tradition of excellence, innovation, and respect for nature. By choosing our Wagyu, you become part of a transcontinental story, celebrating excellence, sustainability, and a deep bond between humans and the animals we cherish.

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