Where I Belong: The Call of the Farm

written by

Hugh Geiger

posted on

June 1, 2024

From Urban Hustle to Farming Roots: My Journey Back to the Land

Growing up in Virginia, surrounded by the rolling landscapes of farming country, I wasn't initially captivated by the idea of becoming a farmer. Instead, it was the freedom and beauty of the land that resonated with me. Though my immediate family wasn't involved in agriculture, the legacy of my ancestors, who farmed the land since settling in Jamestown in 1622, left me with a deep appreciation for this way of life. Their stories of old chicken coops and hogs growing fat in the Appalachian Mountains sounded like pure adventure to my young ears.

My journey took a different path. The Marine Corps, global travels, and stints in law and entrepreneurship filled my years, each step distancing me from the farming heritage that once intrigued me. Yet, even as I navigated life across continents and careers, the call of the land lingered—a quiet beckon back to roots I had never fully claimed.

The realization came not in the fields or among livestock, but in the urban pulse of Boston, where I was juggling two businesses. It was there, amidst the hustle and grind, that the simplicity and sincerity of farming life called me home. It whispered of a life where success is measured not in deals closed or cases won, but in seasons turned and harvests gathered.

The Allure of Farming: A Return to Simplicity

Why farming? It’s a question that resists a simple answer. The draw goes beyond returning to family roots or the charm of rural life. It’s about answering an ancient call—the urge to nurture the earth and, in return, be nourished by it. It’s the satisfaction that comes from the rhythm of the seasons, the growth of the fields, and the care of animals—a sequence of simple, hard-earned rewards that many have lost in the rush of modern progress.

My path to farming was neither direct nor obvious. It was a journey of rediscovery, one that led me through diverse worlds and experiences, only to find that the values and connections I sought were embedded in the very way of life my ancestors lived. Farming, to me, is a reconnection with the land, a practice of sustainability and stewardship, and a way to feed not just the body but the soul.

Join Me in a Day on the Farm

If you're curious about the allure of this lifestyle, I invite you to follow me through a day's work on the farm. Witness the dawn as we tend to the fields and livestock, feel the satisfaction of a day spent in honest labor, and perhaps, like me, you’ll find that farming is not just about cultivating the land but about grounding ourselves in the values that matter most.

In embracing farming, I've not just embarked on a career—I've woven myself back into the tapestry of my family's narrative, becoming part of a story that stretches back through generations. It's a story of resilience, connection, and the enduring call of the land—a call that, despite everything, remains as compelling today as it was to those first settlers in 1622.


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